About the Journal


               ISSN 0036-679X (print) 0972-5061 (online)

School Science journal is a platform for publication of peer-reviewed articles of high quality in the area of science, mathematics and environmental education. The journal envisages to foster excellence in the teaching-learning of science, mathematics and environmental education. The prospective contributors and beneficiaries of the journal are practicing teachers, teacher educators, researchers and students pursuing Ph.D. in science, mathematics and environmental education. For publication in this journal, emphasis is given on empirical research papers pertaining to science, mathematics and environmental education which can be in the area of curriculum,pedagogy, assessment, educational practices, etc. A few papers/ articles based on literature review (analytical, interpretive and persuasive essays), theoretical papers related to critical reviews and analyses of research literature on trends, practices, policies, etc., and short popular articles on science, mathematics and environmental education are also considered. The journal follows a double-blind review process