Offline to Online: A long way to go


  • Harini C.
  • Alisha Liz Varghese


COVID 19, Online learning, Higher education, Challenges, Remedies, Merits


The whole world has been grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on various sectors. With physical distancing norms being advocated in the bid to prevent transmission of the virus, schools and colleges across the globe have faced a major setback. However, the pandemic has been the catalyst to bring online learning to the forefront as the solution to fill this void. With the advent of this emergency remote teaching, educators all over the world have been in a furore to create e-content and shift the teaching-learning process online. While several studies extol the benefits of online education, its success in the Indian education system is uncertain owing to several constraints that are endemic in the country. This paper aims to study the merits and challenges of online learning in higher education in India and suggest some remedies for the same.




How to Cite

C., H., & Liz Varghese, A. (2021). Offline to Online: A long way to go. Indian Journal of Educational Technology, 3(II), 106–120. Retrieved from



Research Article