
Guidelines for Authors

The manuscripts for IJET should be related to or more of the following themes.
● Education Technology (ET)
● Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education
● Distance education and technology
● Technological integration into pedagogy and content
● Open Educational Repositories (OER) and FOSS
● Innovation in educational system
● Computer-based learning
● Audio-video and multimedia in education and issues thereof
● Technology cognition and curriculum
● Impact of technology in education
● Nature of technology and learning
● Mobile learning
● Learning through social media
● Technology assisted evaluation systems
● Technology support for differently-abled population
● Flipped classroom, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robotics and education
● Digital games, toys, simulations, digital books and education
● Impact of technology on learning
● Social media and children
● Economics of technology and its impact on education system
● Socio-psychological, ethical dimensions of technology and technological transfer
● Educational Technology in smart governance and delivery of digital contents
● Educational planning administration and technology
● Online courses for school and teacher education

Nature of articles

Research Articles: IJET welcomes original research papers in any of the themes mentioned above. Research articles should be within 6000 to 8000 words, including notes and references. Longer / Shorter articles will not be considered. Articles should be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum of 150-200 words, keywords (n + 5), an introductory paragraph and subheads.

Review Articles: Review articles should be within 4000 to 6000 words. Cited references should be about 100-150 in number. These articles are expected to survey and discuss current developments in a field. These should be focused and organized.

Opinion: These articles should be within 2000-2500 words. They are expected to show present views on issues related to Educational Technology (ET) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Communications (Short Articles): These articles should be within 1500- 2000 words. They should contain important new findings that are of fairly broad interests. They should include a brief abstract and an introductory paragraph. Text should NOT be categorized under subheads

Book Review: The book reviews should be within 1200-1500 words. The selection of reviews will be done on the basis of the relevance of the book with the theme of the journal. Reviews should be proper and must not merely ‘list’ brief descriptions of the contents of a book.

Correspondence: These should be within 500-1000 words. These include letters that are of general interest to researchers or technical comments, including those on articles or communications published in IJET within the
previous one year. Short letters are preferred. Letters may be reviewed and edited as per the guidelines of the institution and IJET.

Referencing Style
Authors are expected to follow the APA reference style (7th edition) while writing their manuscripts. This will help in speedy processing of the manuscripts. Authors are expected to provide endnotes for references instead of footnotes.

Timelines for Authors
31st March for the July Issue & 30th September for the January Issue

Plagiarism Report
Submit a copy of the plagiarism report along with the manuscript. Any kind of plagiarism including self-plagiarism is not acceptable. Similarity index must not exceed 10%. Works of others must be cited.

General Guidelines
• Contributions should be sent by email (typed and double-spaced).
• Papers with immediate relevance for policy would be considered for early publication. Please note that this is a matter of editorial judgment.
• Authors need to mention the nature of article at the top of the manuscript (whether it is a research article, review article or opinion, etc.).
• Graphs and charts need to be prepared in MS Office (Word/Excel) and not in jpeg or other formats.
• The pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page and through the text, reference list, tables and figure legends.
• The order in which manuscripts are to be prepared is: Title page, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, figure legends (on separate page preceding the first figure), figures (the figures should be labelled).
• The title page should contain Title, Authors, Affiliations, their email ids, and Corresponding author’s address and institutional email id
• Writers are requested to provide full details for correspondence: postal address, phone numbers and email address
• Acknowledgements should be as brief as possible.
• Papers should not have been simultaneously submitted for publication to another journal or newspaper. If the paper has appeared earlier in a different version, we would appreciate a copy of this along with the submitted paper.
• Receipt of articles will be immediately acknowledged by email.
• Effort is taken to complete early processing of the papers we receive.
• IJET requests writers not to send revised versions of their earlier contributions based on stylistic changes/additions, deletions of references, minor changes, etc. Such revised articles will be summarily rejected.