Recent Trends of Online Degrees in India: A Student’s Perspective
Online Degree, Traditional Degree, Dual Degree, Online Education, Online Higher Education, Student’s PerspectiveAbstract
dissemination by providing education without constraints related to age, gender, educational background, or socioeconomic status. In April 2022, the University Grants Commission issued guidelines that permit dual degree and joint degree programs, as well as the initiation of fully online degree programs by accredited Higher Education Institutions. This move has opened up avenues for students to pursue either exclusively online degrees or a combination of online and traditional courses. While existing research has delved into the perspectives of teachers, administrators, and employers regarding online education delivery, there has been a notable gap in understanding the experiences and viewpoints of students. This research analyzed students’ experiences, perceptions, challenges, newfound opportunities, and overall opinions regarding online degree programs through a qualitative survey. It conducted a comparative assessment of the viewpoints of students enrolled in online and/or traditional educational programs and critically examined students’ perspectives statistically. The overall consensus among students regarding the reliability and future of online degree courses was notably positive. The findings from this study can be leveraged to improve instructional methods and enhance the accessibility and quality of education delivery.