New media: Subject, media literacy and educational technologies


  • Sujith Kumar Parayil


New media educational technology, new media text, digital literacy, interactive subject, convergence, sensory experience


The essay is an attempt to understand the constituent elements of new media educational technology while traversing through various definitions and possibilities of new media and educational technology. The paper argues that it is not just appropriation of the code or programme of the new media, but a reappropriation and reconceptualisation of the new media forms for educational purpose that is the chief quest of the new media educational technologies. In order to make this educational new media proactive, one needs to have not only the familiarity with the computer or new media technology but also needs to have certain knowledge in the field of new media literacy, especially when new media educational technologies are proven to give a space for automation and autono my for its user. It is in this context that the paper attempts to conceptualise the ‘processual’ formation of new media text and its subjectivity, in conjunction with the contemporary digital turn of educational technology.

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How to Cite

Parayil, S. K. (2020). New media: Subject, media literacy and educational technologies. Indian Journal of Educational Technology, 2(I), 106–120. Retrieved from



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