ICT: An emerging educational tool for undergraduate students


  • Dhumal Kishori T


cyber stalking, social media, Social Networks


In this era of technology, various techniques are adopted in teaching -learning process, which has resulted in a paradigm shift from conventional teaching to blended or flipped learning. The present study investigated the impact of Information and Communication Technology (/CT) in teaching -learning process at undergraduate level. The purpose of the study was to know certain facts and obtain opinion from the students regarding use of /CT tools in education system. An online survey was conducted utilizing Google forms. Chi-square test and Binomial Test were performed utilizing SPSS programming to analyze the data. The findings of the investigation show that the college undergraduates have promptly embraced the new techniques, and new e-assets for their learning interactions.




How to Cite

Dhumal Kishori T. (2021). ICT: An emerging educational tool for undergraduate students. Indian Journal of Educational Technology, 3(I), 54–63. Retrieved from https://journals.ncert.gov.in/IJET/article/view/461



Research Article