Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Current Developments, Concerns and Possibilities for Education


  • Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya


Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Network, Deep Learning, Ethical concerns with AI


Artificial Intelligence is shaping the world at a speed much faster than anticipated. Machine learning models are extensively used in banking, e-commerce, healthcare, weather forecasting, etc. ChatGPT is the latest entry in the bloc but the most engaging one so far. The world is abuzz with concerns about AI/ML rendering people jobless. The who’s who in the world of technology is warning of potential danger in the exponential growth in learning capabilities of intelligent systems and the concerns related to privacy, ethics, safety, and security. Educationists should also be equipped with the basic know-how of AI and its related fields to have a considered opinion while adopting teaching-learningassessment. This article discusses the concept of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) and introduces the branches of AI, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, and Deep Learning, as well as their working with examples that educators can relate with. The article also highlights some of the ethical concerns associated with AI.

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How to Cite

Barbhuiya, R. K. (2023). Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Current Developments, Concerns and Possibilities for Education. Indian Journal of Educational Technology, 5(II), 266–277. Retrieved from


